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taken on gentoo linux with the fluxbox window manager, Flauxnther fluxbox theme, and Panther GTK2 theme using the gimp
File menu
File menu
Edit menu
Edit menu
View menu
View menu
Tools menu
Tools menu
WebTools menu
WebTools menu
Help menu
Help menu
Find dialog
Find dialog
Font dialog
Font dialog
Color dialog
Color dialog
POP3 tab and dialog
POP3 tab and dialog
SMTP dialog
SMTP dialog
MCP dialog
Multiple Copy/Paste dialog


optional, but suggested

Installation Notes

on any POSIX-compliant OS or windows 2000 or later, if you have all three of the above dependencies, installation is literally as easy as unzipping it. as soon as you decompress it, you can double click on flauxtext.pyw [or run "pythonw flauxtext.pyw" or "python flauxtext.pyw &"] and it should pop up happily.

flauxtext script in your path

if you want to be able to type 'flauxtext' on the command-line in any directory, just run 'mk_script.py'. this script detects your OS and writes an appropriate batch/shell script in your path.
on windows, the script is C:\windows\system32\flauxtext.bat and it contains the one line: start C:\path\to\flauxtext.pyw %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
on other systems, the script is /bin/flauxtext and it looks like
/usr/bin/python2.3 /path/to/flauxtext.pyw "$@" &
for both scripts, 'flauxtext.pyw' is replaced with 'flauxtext.pyo' [which is compiled then] if you do not have psyco.

on POSIX, you can also add a line to your ~/.bashrc similar to
alias fl="python ~/.flauxtext/flauxtext.pyw"


the first thing you should do after opening flauxtext is open its config file by going to the "Help > Open my Files > Config File" menuitem.
this is a standard ini-style config file, parsed with python's standard ConfigParser module, with one [slightly dangerous] implementation detail: each value [string after the colons] is eval()ed, to turn that string into a python instance. if, instead of happy python code, you put something stupid like
keyname: os.system('rm -rf /')
keyname: os.system('deltree /y C:\\')
you will be very sorry.
this also necessitates quoting values which should yield strings after eval()uation:
Bashstub: '#!/bin/sh\n\n'

configuration guide

i took the comments out of the config section to make it easier to read and find things. the above link discusses each of the configuration variables, and is included with flauxtext.


Features Coming Soon


contact information

faulkner [at] users [dot] sf [dot] net
my full legal name does not include anything like 'faulkner'; it is just a web handle.
email me with your reason if you should need my legal name.